Behind the Scenes: Habbocalypse 2015

As many of you probably know all too well, Habboween is very nearly here. This year, something big, bad and positively apocalyptic is coming to Habbo… That’s right; its the HABBOCALYPSE!

We stole some time from a few of our lovely designers to talk about the furni they’ve been working on, what they’re proud of, the design process and what they’re most excited about for this Habboween. So, without further ado, please welcome KukuyitMrCroissant and Sparkaro!

From left to right - Kukuyit, MrCroissant and Sparkaro

From left to right – Kukuyit, MrCroissant and Sparkaro


Q: So, firstly, How are you guys:

Kukuyit's Corrupted Kitty full animation loop!

Kukuyit’s Corrupted Kitty full animation loop!

Sparkaro: “Really good.”

Kukuyit: “Meow! Just kidding – good, thanks.”

MrCroissant: “Fine, thanks!”

Evil Raider Afro Duck

The infamous Evil Raider WITH Afro Duck!

Q: Can one of you tell us a bit about some of the ideas that the design team had for the Habboween 2015, before Apocalypse was chosen? 

Sparkaro: “I initially liked the idea of a nuclear apocalypse, like where cities have been abandoned or destroyed as a result of nuclear war with the ever-present threat of radiation and mutant creatures (like three eyed ducks).

Then there were a few ideas that focused on the theme of darkness, such as shadows, ghosts and demons. For me that sounded really interesting and seemed like an opportunity to get uber creative with our designs. I enjoyed thinking about how we’d characterise the evil presence, whilst incorporating traditional apocalyptic themes. For example, I loved the idea of including the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and putting a twist on that somehow.”

Q: What was your favourite furni to make and why? 

MrCroissant's finished version of The Habbocalypse Horseman of Famine

MrCroissant’s final version of The Habbocalypse Horseman of Famine

Sparkaro: “I loved working on the Evil Raider (a friend of Demonic Frank) with his fiery green afro hairdo. I had fun working on the animations for it, like his pet duck that occasionally pops out from the afro and who has styled himself in a similar fashion to his owner, hehe.”

Kukuyit: “I really enjoyed working on the Corrupted Kitty the most – no Halloween is complete without a classic black cat. It’s one of the more time-consuming furni to make since it has so many layers of animation. But it was totally worth it in the end!” 

MrCroissant: “Without a doubt, I’m most proud of the Four Horsemen LTDs I made. It was so much fun creating the animations and giving each of them a different personality, whilst maintaining a cohesive look. Also, working on the character-based stuff is my favourite part of the job, and is what I tend to focus on in my personal art projects too.”

Q: What furni do you think Habbos are going to be most excited for? 

MrCroissant: “Well, really, I hope the Habbos enjoy the entire furni line! It has come together really nicely. However, there is a certain ‘secret’ furni that I think Habbos who love “something completely different” will enjoy the most!

Kukuyit: “I think Habbos are going to love the furni that can only be acquired in a special way. You definitely need to use a different kind of perspective…That’s all I’m saying about it!”

MrCroissant's preliminary sketches of the Four Horsemen of the Habbocalypse

MrCroissant’s preliminary sketches of the Four Horsemen of the Habbocalypse

Q: Can you give us any hints about the ‘game-changing’ feature everyone’s been talking about? 

Sparkaro: “Well, I’m super hyped because it will add a whole new element to Habbo that’s different from anything we’ve ever had before. So, I hope that Habbos have a tonne of fun with it! I can’t reveal anything specific yet…but I’ve been designing stuff for the new feature and it’s been really, really exciting to be part of the whole production process!” 

MrCroissant: “I totally am; it’s exciting because it adds a lot to the game. Habbos will also be able to get a great feeling of progression and discovery at the same time with this new ‘game-changer’. I can really see this changing things (for the better) in the future!”

Kukuyit: “I’m really excited about the new feature too! It required a mega amount of work from everyone in the company; design, marketing, development, engagement and other support to get it finished for Habboween. We’re anxious to see what Habbos make of it, particularly the creative ones!

SO. LOTS to look forward to!

Give us a shout on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with #Habbocalypse and tell us what you think about this blog post!

Habbo Staff

Posted on September 21, 2015, in Behind-The-Scenes, Furni, PixelArt, Sneak Peek and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Please support the zoom-out feature like before. The current one makes my eyes hurt, too fuzzy.

  2. ““I think Habbos are going to love the furni that can only be acquired in a special way. You definitely need to use a different kind of perspective…That’s all I’m saying about it!””

    I am guessing you guys are going to embed tools which would allow us to get ‘creative’ and design our own furni? It’s just a guess.

  3. I wonder what the game changer is… Build your own furni? Cut your own hair? Make your own clothes? Looking forward to this habboween… sorry… habbocalypse.

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